Lewis Metcalf

Making regex from scratch in go

09 Groups


Regular expressions can be grouped together using the '()' parenthesis symbols, in the same way that arithmetic constructions such as (1 + (3 * 7)) can be grouped. This hasn’t been a problem yet because up until now, we’ve only dealt with concatenation, and string concatenation is an associative operation. This means that grouping doesn’t make a difference. For example, 'a' + 'b' + 'c' == 'a' + 'bc' == 'ab' + 'c' == 'abc'.

However, our OR '|' operation is non-associative. For example, the following regular expressions are not equivalent: ab|c != a(b|c).

This is the reason for the fuzzing error we’re seeing.

--- FAIL: FuzzFSM (0.00s)
	fsm_test.go:142: Mismatch - 
		Regex: '1(|)' (as bytes: 31287c29), 
		Input: '0' (as bytes: 30) 
		Go Regex Pkg: 'false', 
		Our regex result: 'true'

Our regex compiler is interpreting 1(|) as 1|, which produce very different outcomes. Let’s add a test to represent this case.

@@ // fsm_test.go

@@ func TestFSMAgainstGoRegexPkg(t *testing.T) {
                {"branch with shared characters", "dog|dot", "dot"},
                {"branch with right side empty", "a|", ""},
                {"branch with left side empty", "|a", ""},
+               // group
+               {"word followed by group", "1(|)", "0"},

Now let’s fix this by taking into account the () symbols and breaking the regular expression into groups, starting with the parser.

Parsing groups

Let’s add a test to our parser to define what we want to produce.

@@ // parser_test.go

@@ func TestParser(t *testing.T) {
+               {name: "groups", input: "a(b|c)", expectedResult: &Group{ChildNodes: []Node{
+                       CharacterLiteral{Character: 'a'},
+                       &Branch{ChildNodes: []Node{
+                               &Group{ChildNodes: []Node{
+                                       CharacterLiteral{Character: 'b'},
+                               }},
+                               &Group{ChildNodes: []Node{
+                                       CharacterLiteral{Character: 'c'},
+                               }},
+                       }},
+               }}},

This should be failing. We can see from our nicely parsed output that what is being produced is not correct.

=== RUN   TestParser/groups
    parser_test.go:64: Expected:

We can see that we’re still creating a single branch with 'ab' on the left and 'c' on the right. What we want is a group with 'a' concatenated onto a branch with 'b' on the left and 'c' on the right.

Fixing the parser will require some changes. Instead of using a single root Node, we now need to maintain multiple root Nodes depending on how deep we are in the nested parenthesis. In order to keep track of this, we’re going to use a Stack.

The Stack Parser

First, let’s add a basic stack data structure to our Parser.

@@ // parser.go

 type Parser struct {
-       tokens []token
+       fsmStack []CompositeNode
+       tokens   []token
 func NewParser(tokens []token) *Parser {
-       return &Parser{tokens: tokens}
+       return &Parser{fsmStack: []CompositeNode{}, tokens: tokens}

The stack is simply a Go slice of CompositeNodes. Stacks work by allowing us to push and pop items off of the top of the stack, you can imagine this as a like a stack of papers - you can add to the pile, or take one off the top.

Let’s add some convenience methods to pushing and popping to our stack.

// parser.go

func (p *Parser) pop() CompositeNode {  
   pop := p.fsmStack[len(p.fsmStack)-1]  
   p.fsmStack = p.fsmStack[:len(p.fsmStack)-1]  
   return pop  
func (p *Parser) push(g CompositeNode) {  
   p.fsmStack = append(p.fsmStack, g)  

Now that we have a stack, let’s refactor our original code to use this instead of the single root Node we had before.

In order to keep the same behaviour as before, we simply need to pop a node off the stack, make some change, then push the node back on.

@@ // parser.go

func (p *Parser) Parse() Node {
-       var root CompositeNode
-       root = &Group{}
+       p.pushNewGroup()
        for _, t := range p.tokens {
                switch t.symbol {
                case Character:
-                       root.Append(CharacterLiteral{Character: t.letter})
+                       node := p.pop()
+                       node.Append(CharacterLiteral{Character: t.letter})
+                       p.push(node)
                case AnyCharacter:
-                       root.Append(WildcardLiteral{})
+                       node := p.pop()
+                       node.Append(WildcardLiteral{})
+                       p.push(node)
                case Pipe:
-                       switch b := root.(type) {
+                       node := p.pop()
+                       switch b := node.(type) {
                        case *Branch:
-                               root = &Branch{ChildNodes: []Node{root, &Group{}}}
+                               node = &Branch{ChildNodes: []Node{node, &Group{}}}
+                       p.push(node)
-       return root
+       return p.pop()

This includes a small convenience method for pushing a new Group node to the stack.

// parser.go

func (p *Parser) pushNewGroup() {  

We should now have reached feature parity with our old implementation.1 You can test this out by running the tests, they should fail in the same way.

Parsing Nested Structures

Now that we have a stack data structure, let’s take advantage of it to parse nested groups.

@@ // parser.go

@@ func (p *Parser) Parse(tokens []token) Node {
				for _, t := range tokens {  
				   switch t.symbol {  
				   case Character:  
				      node := p.pop()  
				      node.Append(CharacterLiteral{Character: t.letter})  
				   case AnyCharacter:  
				      node := p.pop()  
				   case Pipe:  
				      node := p.pop()  
				      switch b := node.(type) {  
				      case *Branch:  
				         node = &Branch{ChildNodes: []Node{node, &Group{}}}  
+                  case LParen:
+                     p.pushNewGroup()
+                  case RParen:
+                     inner := p.pop()
+                     outer := p.pop()
+                     outer.Append(inner)
+                     p.push(outer)

Let’s walk through these new cases.

When we encounter a LParen '(' opening parenthesis symbol, we want to start a new group. In this case, we simply push a new group onto the stack. This new group will then be picked up and used when other symbols or characters are processed. You can think of this as it becoming the new root Node, at least temporarily.

When we encounter a RParen ')' closing parenthesis symbol, the case is slightly more complicated. We want to take the Node at the top of the stack, append it to the next Node in the stack, and then push those combined Nodes at back onto the stack. You can think of this as reducing the top two elements of the stack into a single Node, which will become the new root Node.

Let’s look at a visual example.

We’ll parse the expression "a(b|c)"

graph TD subgraph " " subgraph "outer" 1(outer-group) end end subgraph stack root --> *outer-group end

When we start the parser, a Group will be created which represents the whole expression. We’ll call this outer-group. The stack will be initialized with a pointer to outer-group.

After processing 'a', the parser will look like this.

graph TD subgraph " " subgraph "outer" 1(outer-group) --> 2[a] end end subgraph stack root --> *outer-group end

A CharacterLiteral(a) is simply appended to the group on top of the stack; outer-group.

When an opening parenthesis '(' symbol is encountered, a new group, which we’ll call inner-group, will be created, and a pointer to it will be pushed onto the stack.

graph TD subgraph " " subgraph "outer" 1(outer-group) --> 2[a] end subgraph "inner" 3(inner-group) end end subgraph stack root --> *outer-group *outer-group --> *inner-group end

Now, when 'b' is processed, it will be appended to the new inner-group Node as it is the last Node on the stack.

graph TD subgraph " " subgraph "outer" 1(outer-group) --> 2[a] end subgraph "inner" 3(inner-group) --> 4[b] end end subgraph stack root --> *outer-group *outer-group --> *inner-group end

The branch symbol | will convert the top node on the stack into a branch, add the group as a child of the branch, add a new group, and push the branch pointer onto the stack:

graph TD subgraph " " subgraph "outer" 1(outer-group) --> 2[a] end subgraph "inner" 5(inner-branch) --> 3(inner-group) --> 4[b] 5(inner-branch) --> 6(inner-group-2) end end subgraph stack root --> *outer-group *outer-group --> *inner-branch end

And now the next character symbol 'c' will be applied to top Node of the stack - inner-branch, which will apply it to its last child - inner-group-2

graph TD subgraph " " subgraph "outer" 1(outer-group) --> 2[a] end subgraph "inner" 5(inner-branch) --> 3(inner-group) --> 4[b] 5(inner-branch) --> 6(inner-group-2) 6 --> 7[c] end end subgraph stack root --> *outer-group *outer-group --> *inner-branch end

Finally, we encounter the closing parenthesis symbol ). This will pop inner-branch and outer-group from the stack, append inner-branch to outer-group, and then push the pointer to outer-group back onto the stack.

graph TD subgraph " " subgraph "outer" 1(outer-group) --> 2[a] 1 --> 5(inner-branch) --> 3(inner-group) --> 4[b] 5(inner-branch) --> 6(inner-group-2) 6 --> 7[c] end end subgraph stack root --> *outer-group end

As we’ve reached the end of the expression, we simply pop the last element off the stack - outer-group and return it.

The power of using the stack data structures should be evident here. In our example, we only went two levels deep - the outer group and the inner group - but there’s no reason that we couldn’t go 3, 4, or any number of levels deep.

The stack takes care of ‘remembering’ the previous levels, so we only need to care about processing the innermost level, then reduce the top two levels into one when we collapse a group. Because of this behaviour, stacks are particularly useful for parsing nested structures of arbitrary depth.

That should be enough to get our test to pass!

=== RUN   TestFSMAgainstGoRegexPkg/concatenated_word_with_grouped_branch
--- PASS: TestFSMAgainstGoRegexPkg (0.00s)

Let’s run our fuzzer again and see if we’re missing something.

Our fuzzer finds an interesting error.

fuzz: elapsed: 0s, gathering baseline coverage: 5/664 completed
--- FAIL: FuzzFSM (0.07s)
    --- FAIL: FuzzFSM (0.00s)
        fsm_test.go:144: Mismatch - 
            Regex: '(((()0))0)' (as bytes: 28282828293029293029), 
            Input: '0' (as bytes: 30) 
            Go Regex Pkg: 'false', 
            Our regex result: 'true'

I think I can reduce this error into one a bit more manageable, which I’ll add as a test case.

@@ // fsm_test.go

@@ func TestFSMAgainstGoRegexPkg(t *testing.T) {
                // group
                {"word followed by group", "1(|)", "0"},
+               {"empty group concatenation", "(()0)0", "0"},

We can understand this error by looking at the merge function when compiling empty groups.

Compiling groups

Let’s take a look at our merge function code.

// state.go

// adds the transitions of other State (s2) to this State (s).  
func (s *State) merge(s2 *State) {  
   for _, t := range s2.transitions {  
      // 1. copy s2 transitions to s  
      s.addTransition(t.to, t.predicate, t.debugSymbol)  
   // 2. remove s2  

This works by taking the transitions of s2 and copying them all over to s, then deleting s2.

Let’s remind ourselves visually of how this works.

graph LR 0((s)) -."merge".-1((s)) 1((s2)) --"a"--> 2((a))


graph LR 10((s)) --"a"--> 20((a)) 30((s2)) --"a"--> 20((a))

And then State s2 is deleted

graph LR 10((s)) --"a"--> 20((a))

The problem is that we have a hidden assumption here - that s2 has one or more transitions. If s2 doesn’t have any transitions, then this type of merge doesn’t work, as there are no transitions to copy. This is what’s happening when we try to concatenate to an empty string in the regular expression (()0)0, the merge between () and 0 simply breaks down.

What we need is a way of saying “being in state S is equivalent to being in state S2”, and epsilons do just that.

We could modify our merge method to conditionally join the two states with an epsilon in the case that s2 has no transitions. This would work for our current case, but it turns out there’s a more general solution here. We can simply join all a Groups child components with epsilon transitions instead of by using the merge method.

@@ // ast.go

func (g *Group) compile() (head *State, tail *State) {
		startState := State{}  
		currentTail := &startState
        for _, expression := range g.ChildNodes {
                nextStateHead, nextStateTail := expression.compile()
+               currentTail.addEpsilon(nextStateHead)
-               currentTail.merge(nextStateHead)
                currentTail = nextStateTail

		return &startState, currentTail

This works because it says “The end of childNode A is equivalent to the beginning of childNode B”. Let’s see what our visualizer shows us;

go run ./... v8 draw "abc" "abc"  
v8-with-epsilon-concatenation draw "abc" "abc"

We can see the compiled childNodes in our simple example.

When these are chained together using epsilon transitions, the effect is the equivalent of merging the states pairs (0,1), (2,3) and (4,5).

This is an excellent tool for state machine composition, because it allows us to chain together any two state machines, regardless of how they work internally. We can have two arbitrarily complex state machines, and, as long as the last state of one is joined to the first state of the other with an epsilon transition, we can consider them as one concatenated state machine.

It does, however, mess up our visualisations for simple string concatenations such as 'abc', so I think it’s worth making a small exception for chaining together strings of CharacterLiteral nodes.

@@ // ast.go

@@ func (g *Group) compile() (head *State, tail *State) {
        for _, expression := range g.ChildNodes {
                nextStateHead, nextStateTail := expression.compile()
+               _, isChar := expression.(CharacterLiteral)
+               if isChar {
+                       currentTail.merge(nextStateHead)
+               } else {
+                       currentTail.addEpsilon(nextStateHead)
+               }
-               currentTail.merge(nextStateHead)
                currentTail = nextStateTail

This gives us a clearer picture for simple string concatenation, but our tests still pass!

v8 draw "abc" "abc"

So our tests are now passing, let’s go back to our fuzzer.

--- FAIL: FuzzFSM (0.14s)
    --- FAIL: FuzzFSM (0.00s)
        fsm_test.go:145: Mismatch - 
            Regex: '(|)1' (as bytes: 287c2931), 
            Input: '0' (as bytes: 30) 
            Go Regex Pkg: 'false', 
            Our regex result: 'true'

Interestingly, this looks very similar to our previously failing case of 1(|). Let’s fix it.

Fixing the Branch compiler

First, a test case.

@@ // fsm_test.go

@@ func TestFSMAgainstGoRegexPkg(t *testing.T) {
                {"branch with shared characters", "dog|dot", "dot"},
                {"branch with right side empty", "a|", ""},
                {"branch with left side empty", "|a", ""},
                // group
                {"word followed by group", "1(|)", "0"},
                {"empty group concatenation", "(()0)0", "0"},
+               {"group followed by word", "(|)1", "0"},

Let’s use our visualizer to check the FSM.

go run ./... v8 draw "(|)1"
graph LR 0((0)) -."ε".-> 1((1)) 1((1)) -."ε".-> 2((2)) 1((1)) -."ε".-> 3((3)) 1((1)) --"1"--> 4((4)) style 2 stroke:green,stroke-width:4px; style 3 stroke:green,stroke-width:4px; style 4 stroke:green,stroke-width:4px;

Well, that’s clearly not correct. It seems that the compiled CharacterLiteral node for '1' is being added as a third branch to the compiled Branch node '(|)'.

The reason for this is in the Branch struct compile method.

// ast.go 

func (b *Branch) compile() (head *State, tail *State) {  
   for _, expression := range b.ChildNodes {  
      nextStateHead, _ := expression.compile()  
   return startState, startState  

As we can see from the return statement, we are not passing back the last State of the compiled Node. In fact, there is no last State! To illustrate the problem, which is the last State in the following FSM?

graph LR 0((0)) --"a"--> 1((1)) 0((0)) --"b"--> 2((2)) 0((0)) --"c"--> 3((3)) style 1 stroke:green,stroke-width:4px; style 2 stroke:green,stroke-width:4px; style 3 stroke:green,stroke-width:4px;

Both States 1, 2 and 3 could all be considered the last State, how can we decide? The answer, again, is epsilon transitions. Using epsilons, we can say that State 1,2 and 3 are all equivalent to a new State, State 4, which is the last State of the FSM!

graph LR 0((0)) --"a"--> 1((1)) 0((0)) --"b"--> 2((2)) 0((0)) --"c"--> 3((3)) 1((1)) -."ε".-> 4((4)) 2((2)) -."ε".-> 4((4)) 3((3)) -."ε".-> 4((4)) style 4 stroke:green,stroke-width:4px;

The behaviour is exactly the same, only the composition becomes easier.

Let’s add this to the code.

@@ // ast.go

 func (b *Branch) compile() (head *State, tail *State) {
        startState := &State{}
+       endState := &State{}
        for _, expression := range b.ChildNodes {
-               nextStateHead, _ := expression.compile()
+               nextStateHead, tail := expression.compile()
+               tail.addEpsilon(endState)
-       return startState, startState
+       return startState, endState

And let’s check our generated FSM again.

go run ./... v8 draw "(|)1"
graph LR 0((0)) -."ε".-> 1((1)) 1((1)) -."ε".-> 2((2)) 1((1)) -."ε".-> 5((5)) 2((2)) -."ε".-> 3((3)) 3((3)) --"1"--> 4((4)) 5((5)) -."ε".-> 3((3)) style 4 stroke:green,stroke-width:4px;

That’s better, and our tests should now be green!

It should be quite clear that the above FSM does a lot of unnecessary work. In fact, all the epsilon transitions could be eliminated and the FSM would still be correct! There are ways to reduce this unnecessary bloat, and hopefully I’ll get around to optimization. For now, correctness is enough for me.

Running our fuzzer again confirms that all is well! I think it’s worth taking some time now to play around a bit and try out some complex examples, just to see what kind of FSM we generate. For example, let’s try the following command;

go run ./... v8 draw "(a(b|c|d|e)((f)|g)" "acg"

We get the following visualisation.

v8 draw "(a(b|c|d|e)((f)|g)" "acg"

Try out different inputs and see what the flow of state activation looks like for each one. Notice that the epsilon transitions simply pass activation from one state to another, effectively making two states equivalent.

We can now move on to other regular expression constructs, such as modifiers!

Check out this part of the project on GitHub here

  1. This is known as a “prepartory refactor”, in which we refactor our code in order to prepare for the additional of some feature. Tests are very useful here for validating that our refactoring didn’t cause any changes to the logic. ↩︎

Previous: 08 Epsilons

Next: 10 Modifiers